Monday, March 14, 2011

Free Backup Software Review

This is a review of all of the free backup software packages that I try while I look for one that suites my preferences. My basic criteria are fairly limited and simple: it must have a robust folder/file selection system that allows me to pick exactly what I want to archive; it must display said system in a straightforward and useful manner; and it must allow the option to do a mirror backup, not just a zip backup.

The software of this review include:
  • AceBackup 3
  • Roxio BackOn Track
  • Backup Maker
  • Toucan

AceBackup 3
With AceBackup, you start the process by creating a new project. The default setting is to backup all files in the AceBackup proprietary format (which means that if you want to do a restore, you need to have AceBackup in order to restore your data). Normally backup software archive data in .zip files, which is a universal compression format. If you do not want to use the proprietary format, you can backup your files "As is", which creates a mirror image of the files you want to save at the destination location.

Next, instead of offering full and partial backup options, AceBackup will, upon the name of any two files being the same, either update the older file, create a new file, or overwrite the older file. One of the disadvantages of this is that multiple versions of a file cannot exist. Other backup software, as mentioned earlier, offer full and partial backups. Full backups, as the name implies, executes a complete backup of all the selected files. A partial backup only backs up that which was changed since the last full backup. The partial backups can be stored as separate .zip files available until the next full backup, allowing several versions of the same file to exist.

AceBackup also has a filter to exclude or include only specific file types, perform an operation (such as shutdown or restart the computer) before or after the backup executes, and schedule when the backup should be performed.

One of the drawbacks is that you have to add directories or files to the project one by one. The user interface is broken in to two main sections. The upper section shows what is available on the local system. On the left, there is the typical explorer file tree, and on the right a view of the contents of the selected folder. The selected folder (only one allowed) and its subdirectories will be added to the backup project upon creation. The will then appear in the lower section, which has a similar explorer file tree showing that backed-up directories and a window into the contents.

In order to add more files or folders to the project, one must click on "backup" and add a file or folder to the project. The backup will then take place and you can repeat the process to add more things to the project.

Roxio BackOn Track
This consists of a Backup Guide, along with options to restore or back up files. The Backup Guide simply has an icon for the backup and restore links already available in the sidebar. Not helpful.

The backup option allows you to pick the folder that you want to back up, a particular type of file to back up, and has a primitive scheduling feature. What I did was select a folder to back up, backed it up, then selected another folder to back up.

In Roxio's backup scheme, it creates a folder structure similar to the one on the local drive that is being backed up. If any part of this folder structure overlaps upon backing up a second directory, then you will either have to delete the old backup or discontinue the new one. I decided to uninstall Roxio BackOn Track instead.

Backup Maker
Backup Maker is an excellent program. It can handle big and small projects, so that you can backup everything at the same time, or split up the backup into smaller parts so that only the most highly used directories are backed up on a frequent basis. Furthermore, it has a plethera of backup options (more in the expert mode), so that you can set filters, assign tasks before and after backups, perform a full, partial, or mixed backup, and archive bit control (it can clear, set, or leave unchanged the archive bit after a file is backed up, thus dictating how it will be viewed during partial and full backups).

The folder and file selection process is also quite superb. An explorer menu appears, allowing you to sift through the contents of your computer and put a check by any directory that you want backed up. Any number of directories can be selected from the outset.

The downside, and what prevents me from keeping Backup Maker, is that I am looking for a mirror backup and Backup Maker does not have that option. Instead, it makes a .zip file of all the backed up archives.

Toucan is downright awesome from a nerd's perspective. It has command line input and the ability to write backup and synchronization scripts to fully customize and optimize your backing-up experience. What's more, it is portable, so you can stick it on your thumb drive and use the synchronize feature to move large amounts of files back and forth.

But I am getting ahead of myself... Toucan has both a Sync feature and a Backup feature. Sync has the options to copy, mirror, equalize, move, or clean. "Copy" copies things from the source to the destination while "mirror" copies to or updates the destination folder. "Move", meanwhile, moves the selected files from the source to the destination. I am not entirely sure what "clean" and "equalize" do, but they increase the number of options from 3 to 5, which is pretty sweet.

Under the Backup tab, one can perform a complete backup, update the current backup .zip file, or a differential backup. Also there is the option to restore the selected backup. Backed up archives can be saved as a Zip, 7-zip, or gzip file, the level of compression can be varied, and password protection and encryption can be selected.

Toucan also gives you the option to secure your files. In the "Secure" tab, you can select the files and folders you want encrypted (or decrypted). Additionally, you can set rules and define variables to refine your backup and synchronization needs.

The directory and file selection process is quite simple and visually satisfying. While sync-ing, there is a window pane on the left (source) side with a browse button to search for a given folder to synchronize. Adjacent to this window is a button to expand all folders and subfolders to see the contents as well as a button to add a variable to refine selected contents. The same is true for the right (destination) side.

For backing up and securing, the "expand folders" button is replaced by a add directory button. This way, you can add as many folders to the backup or secure project as you want. All types of projects are savable for future use.

There is no scheduling feature, but I am sure that a script could be written to have Toucan perform scheduled backups.... And this brings me to the drawback of Toucan; documentation is hard to come by, so it would take a while (presumably) to use it to its full potential.

One thing that you must be careful about is that Toucan will show every file on your computer, including system files, registry files, hidden files, etc. Take care not to delete or move any critical files.

For what I need, Toucan is the clear winner. I want to be able to copy or move my music and pictures onto an external drive to free space on my active drive. I also want to mirror my documents onto the external drive. These two things are straightforward processes in Toucan.

On the otherhand, if I were only interested in making a backup of my information, then BackUp Maker would also be a good choice.

A Few Side Notes
As I was monkeying with Toucan, I noticed that it had a directory called "Recycle Bin" on my external drive. This prompted a little investigating and I found a great forum thread that explains how the Recycle Bin works. Basically, the Recycle Bin on the primary machine manages deletions on all partitions and drives. Sometimes, however, the Recycle Bin on the external drive can become disconnected. If you do not realize this, that space on the external drive will be unaccessible and unusable. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to cure the matter.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Archiving Blogs by Topic in Blogspot

Since this blog is about my various, simultaneous research and teaching projects, I felt it would be nice to archive my blog posts by topic instead of by date. Here are the steps I took...

Blogspot gives you the option to put an archive gadget on your blog that organizes your posts by date (Design | Page Elements | Add Gadgets). The gadget is even editable! Unfortunately, it only lets you change the order and the dating style, not the overall organization. So: to Google.

Blogspot lets you edit the HTML code of your blog, so I thought I could put in an HTML table, giving a column to every topic with hyperlinks to my various entries. Also, I recollected that HTML tables were pretty aweful to work with, pages that have them do not show up in Google, and that instead, one should use "div" tags and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

It was BloggerBuster that got me headed on the right track, as he had done something similar on Blogger. Unfortunately, this did not work in Blogspot. The divisions kept stacking one on top of another instead of resting side-by-side as they should. After a little more searching, I found a site by About a fifth of the way down, they have a piece of code that suggests the use of a container division. So, implenting the container division, I came to find that the colomns were resting side-by-side, but were also offset by a carriage return. Back to Google.

Eventually, I found a informational tutorial site by YourHTMLSource that gives instructions on how to use style sheets. The best way is to create a .css file that can be linked or imported to each particular page that you crease so that you do not have to format each HTML tag individually. Another option is that in the section you can create classes and ids that can be used throughout a particular page. The HTML editor in Blogspot, however, does not give you access to the source code (no access to the to import or define classes and ids). Instead, I had to look around and find what to include in the tag.

No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work, so I switched over to the "Compose" tab, made some changes, and saw how it affected the code under the "Edit HTML" tab. Turns out, I needed to use a CSS class unknown to me and also include the "span" tag to keep everything even.

I decided to put my "Archive by Topic" post on a new static page instead of posting it as a blog entry (Edit Pages instead of Edit Posts). Now, there is a link to my "Archive by Topic" archive page on the main page of my blog above the archiving gadget! It is still a work in progress, but after a few headers (h#) unordered lists (ul), and hyperlinks (a href=" ") it is there for you to check out.

I also created a public Google Doc for everyone to see/copy the code.


The only drawback to this is that every time you post a blog, you have to go to the static page and code in a new hyperlink to the particular page. This is a bit stinky because, without being able to import a .css file or create a class in the header, the (div style=" ") tag needs to be changed in order to keep everything organized. This makes having multiple divisions almost as bad as having an HTML table.

If anyone can figure out a better method, email me or leave a comment.

"Hello, World"

When I first created this blog a few months ago, I wanted it to be a jounal of all of the research and educational projects that I am working on. My first post was intended to be a formal mission statement that outlined all of the projects am currently working on or will be working on in the future. Following that would be the development of each project. Unfortunately, as I began writing, I realized that I did not know as much as I thought and put off the task of blogging until I did some more research.

Eventually, I realized that by the time I do enough research to blog about the entity that I want, I would have the project finished. Thinking about blogging turned into a means of motivation for developing my projects, but no real blogging has thus far taken place... Until now.

Revamping my strategy, I have decided to blog a stream of consciousness of sorts: listing the steps that I have to take to further my projects, describing what I do/don't understand, mentioning a random new thing that I stumbled upon, talking in circles, etc.; then blog about what I learned as a result of taking those steps. In effect, I suppose, this accomplished my original goal, but makes the writing/blogging process easier to handle.

One of the first tasks that I have assigned myself is to see if I can organize archived, older blogs by something other than the date it was published (e.g. the particular project that the blog relates to).

Ready? Go!